Psíthyroi ton katakombón tou asyneidítou mas
In extasi transcendenti et gaudio cum entibus qui nondum nati sunt dansantes
Sunt amores qui, etsi numquam conveniunt, in aeternitate iuncti permanent
Aletheia Kai Adrasteia: Enigma Tenebrarum
Art and creativity
by Prabhuji
In yin and yang, we find coincidence, that is to say, black is not totally black just as white is not totally white. This theory of opposites is related to the matter of creativity and symbolic art. Creativity and art play a fundamental role in Jung’s psychology. By generating symbols from his imagination, the human being approaches the self. The genesis of symbols paves the path to the essence of being. The epistemic attitude is based on the creative act; from this it follows that art emerges as a vehicle to understand the essence…