The Ramakrishnananda Monastic Order is a contemplative religious order founded by H.H. Avadhūta Śrī Bhaktivedānta Yogācārya Ramakrishnananda Bābājī Mahārāja in 2003. It professes Hinduism, or the Sanātana-dharma religion, according to the vision of its founder which is called the Retroprogressive Path.

The following is a list that includes all the sādhakas, or aspirants, who were personally accepted by him, and the only ones officially recognized as monastic disciples of the order.

Proximity to a Master requires adopting an attitude of receptivity, in which not only are the teachings internalized, but also the presence and essence of the Master’s Being are absorbed. This state of receptivity is characterized by a deep and silent surrender, transcending words and concepts. Truth, by its very nature, cannot be attained through effort. No one has ever grasped it through a dominating attitude.

Truth is neither acquired nor conquered; rather, it reveals itself spontaneously to those who have reached a state of inner silence and complete openness. It is not we who reach Truth; it is Truth that finds us at the most unexpected moment. Just as water descends seeking the lowest ground where it can settle and form a serene lake, Truth flows toward those who have emptied themselves of pretensions and are in total receptivity. True understanding does not emerge from effort or imposition, but from an inner stillness, where the mind and heart are fully prepared and accessible to receive without interference or imposing any conditions.
