Media Relations

In 2011, with the blessings of his Gurudeva, Prabhuji adopted the path of a secluded bhajanānandī and withdrew from society to live a contemplative hermit life. Since then, he has devoted his time to prayer, writing, painting, and meditation in solitude and contemplation. Therefore, Prabhuji does not participate in interviews with television, radio, YouTube channels, magazines, or newspapers. He has also chosen not to participate in conferences, conventions, spiritual gatherings, meetings, retreats, seminars, study groups, or courses. We understand the interest many have in Prabhuji’s teachings. However, the only way to learn more about them is through his books, websites, and the videos that have been publicly shared by his disciples on his YouTube channel. We respectfully request everyone to cease any attempt to contact him for interviews, meetings, blessings, initiations, or personal visits. We appreciate your understanding and respect for his life choice.