By Swami Durgananda
The Prabhuji Mission is a non-profit Hindu organization dedicated to preserving the teachings of Prabhuji and his “Retroprogressive Path”. It should be clarified that this path is an expression of the Sanātana-dharma religion, commonly known as Hinduism. As a minister and clerical representative, he has been formally ordained within the frame of the religious tradition known as Sanātana-dharma, also referred to as orthodox Hinduism. He has received traditional ordinations as a brāhmaṇa (1991), sannyāsī (1993), and finally, avadhūta (2011), adhering strictly to the principles and precepts established by this tradition.
Although Prabhuji recognizes in the Lord Jesus Christ the divine manifestation, or Avatāra, his message should not be interpreted as a form of Christianity—whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant—nor associated with Judaism or with the movement known as New Age.
The inclusive religious worldview of Sanātana-dharma allows him to recognize Śrī Śrī Bhagavān Yeshua Mahāprabhu as the Avatāra and Jagat Jananī Miriam Ha Kdosha as the Mother of the Universe. This principle finds parallels in recognized orthodox institutions of the Hindu religion, such as the Rāmakṛṣṇa Mission, where Jesus Christ is revered as a divine incarnation, and in the teachings of Paramahaṁsa Yogananda, who emphasized respect and devotion toward Jesus.

Daily Puja at Ramakrishna Mission,
Belur Math, India.

An altar at the Self Realization Felowship

Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi