Important Clarification
By Swami Muktananda
For us, as his disciples, it is important to clarify that Prabhuji, H.H. Avadhūta Śrī Bhaktivedānta Yogācārya Ramakrishnananda Bābājī Mahārāja, was never a self-determined or a self-appointed guru or avadhūta. Such designations came from his own master, H.D.G. Avadhūta Śrī Brahmānanda Bābājī Mahārāja, who, with the authority given to him by his own master, H.D.G. Avadhūta Śrī Mastarāma Bābājī Mahārāja, requested from Prabhuji to accept the position of guru or Master Ācārya, and officially conferred upon him the title of avadhūta, initiating him into his line of disciplic succession.
Prabhuji has never self-proclaimed to be an “awakened being.” These distinctions were expressly bestowed upon him by his own guru, H.D.G. Avadhūta Śrī Brahmānanda Bābājī Mahārāja. In the final years of his life, Guru Mahārāja publicly referred to his disciple Prabhuji as an enlightened being, alluding to his spiritual state and thereby acknowledging his level of realization.
Furthermore, all his titles were received from religious organizations and spiritual authorities. To name a few, the title Bhaktivedānta was conferred upon him by H.H. B.A. Paramadvaiti Mahārāja, founder of “Vrinda”; the title Yogācārya was conferred upon him by H.H. Swami Viṣṇu Devānanda, as well as the “Paramanand Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research of Indore, India,” the “International Yoga Federation,” the “Indian Association of Yoga,” and the “Shri Shankarananda Yogashram of Mysore, India”.