Monastic path and religious ordinations
By Gurudevi
In the framework of the Sanātana-dharma religion (Hinduism), Prabhuji was ordained in 1991 as a Brāhmaṇa by His Holiness Swāmī Kīrtanānanda, receiving the position of Hindu “religious minister.” Subsequently, he received monastic ordination as a sannyāsa in 1993 directly from His Holiness Kīrtanānanda Swāmī, His Holiness Swāmī Jyotirmayānanda, His Holiness Paramādvaiti Mahārāja, and His Divine Grace Bhaktikavi Atulānanda Ācārya Swāmī Mahārāja. In 2011, he received the Avadhūta initiation or Avadhūta Dīkṣā directly from H.D.G. Avadhūta Śrī Brahmānanda Bābājī Mahārāja. With the blessings of his Gurudeva, he embraced the path of the secluded bhajanānandī and withdrew from society to lead a contemplative hermit life. Since then, Prabhuji has lived as an independent Hindu Christian-Mariana religious hermit.
The title of Bhaktivedānta was conferred upon him by His Holiness B.A. Paramādvaiti Mahārāja, founder of “Vrinda.” The title Yogācārya was awarded to him by His Holiness Swāmī Viṣṇu Devānanda, founder of the Sivananda Ashram, as well as by the “Paramanand Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research of Indore, India,” the “International Yoga Federation,” the “Indian Association of Yoga,” and the “Śrī Śaṅkarānanda Yogāśram of Mysore, India.”