The Prabhuji-base Project
Achievements in Religion
In religion, achievements are not the consequence of our efforts. Grace, meditation, devotion, love, peace, truth, enlightenment, and anything elevated are never the product of our techniques, methods, or practices, but only come as an indirect consequence of our way...
Religion and practice
Existence is extremely creative and avoids copies. Looking at the ocean waves, the mountains, and the flowers, we notice that life dislikes repetition. Different religions have created methods that mimic the circumstances in which enlightened ones awoke. If the...
What is the greatest damage that religion has caused to humanity?
Dear Prabhuji, I understand and mostly agree with your criticism of religion. Could you tell me, in your opinion, what is the greatest damage that religion has caused to humanity? I wish to clarify that I do not criticize religion but institutionalized religion. There...
Liberation or mukti
Mukti or mokṣa are Sanskrit terms that mean “emancipation or ultimate liberation.” The word mukti comes from the root muc, which means “liberate, release, or emancipate.” When the suffix ktin is added, it forms mukti, or “liberation.” The prefix vi comes from the term...
Enlightenment is about You
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