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What do you think about the television?

What do you think about the television?



What do you think about the television?




I completely agree with the words of Helen Buss Mitchell in “Roots of knowledge”… Where it is said…. “TV is the only medium of mass communication which is really democratic. It is the first big medium, accessible to all and which is managed according to the will of the people. The appalling thing is what the people want”….

Prabhuji, what are you?

Prabhuji, what are you?


Prabhuji, you do not belong to ISKCON, nor to those of IRM, neither to the Rittviks nor to those of the VNN, not to VRINDA ,Caitanya Saraswati Math or the Gaudiya Math. Could you tell me whom do you belong to?



I’ll quote these words of Einstein…
“If my theory of relativity will prove to be correct, the German will say I am German, the Swiss will say that I am Swiss, and the French will say that I am a great scientist.
If my theory of relativity will prove to be wrong, the French will say I am Swiss, the Swiss will say I am German and the German will say I am a… Jew”

Sannyasa to women?

Sannyasa to women?


You grant Sanyass to women, nonetheless we know by the Vedic scriptures that women are inferior to men. What would you say to that?



But Polanko my dear… it seems to me that you have skipped the 32nd verse of the 9th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita…

mam hi partha vyapasritya
ye pi syuh papa-yonayah
striyo vaisyas tatha sudras
te pi yanti param gatim

“O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth–women, vaisyas [merchants], as well as sudras [workers]–can approach the supreme destination.”

And I’m asking you, dear Polanko, can one approach the supreme destination without taking Sanyass?

I think that in the spiritual plane we can’t make this kind of distinctions… don’t be such a chauvinist, dear… see, many times women surpass men, in matters like renunciation…