Anyone who decides to begin the path of the serpentine power must take into account that it is not a path for the mildly interested. It is not advisable to take it up as a hobby, like an after-work activity. The practice of kundalini yoga involves a very moderate way of life. This path in particular should not be undertaken without the expert guidance and direction of an authentic spiritual master. Before explaining the practices of this path, I would like to mention that although the techniques are important, they are only part of the basic levels.
Practices are beneficial at the beginning of spiritual life, but they are not an end in themselves. They are essential in the beginning, but they can become a serious obstacle if we do not let them go at the right time. Although there are many techniques to visualize chakras, observe breathing, or repeat mantras, we must remember that religion’s aim is to realize our divine nature, not to turn us into skillful visualizers of chakras, observers of breathing, or repeaters of mantras.